Friday 26th February 2010
Me and Mr Waiting are really good friends now. In fact, such good friends that I've asked him to stay.
As far as I know, all the final clearances for the land titles have been passed. I'm just waiting for the actual titles to be released. Just how hard is it to do this!? My finance broker's been chasing it up with the settlement agency to find out what's going on. He reckons it's unusual for the titles to be delayed this long, especially after the developer's office has sent me written notification to say that the titles were to be released in late December, 2009.
"On the 3/1 Landgate have received an application approved by the shire.
On the 2/2 Landgate referred the application to the WA Planning Commission for approval.
No response has been received from WA Planning Commission yet." took a month for Landgate to 'refer the application to the WA Planning Commission'. I don't completely understand what's involved in the process, but upon reading the email I was imagining someone sitting behind a desk, throwing my paperwork into an 'IN' tray, then a month later shoving the paperwork into an envelope, licking a stamp and sticking it to the envelope, and then mailing it.
Talk about efficient.