Tuesday 25th May 2010

I drove past MY piece of real estate last week. It looks the same but I feel different. I actually own this little piece of land now!

It won't be long until my prestart interview so I figured I'd better start my preparations. I went to Trevors Carpets on Albany Highway, Cannington, to check out the flooring options.

Part of the basic package for the house is that I get tiles for the wet areas - the bathrooms and the laundry. I have to pay extra for flooring for the rest of the house. I want vinyl. No carpet. The reason? Well, partly because I'm asthmatic and also allergic to dustmites. Carpet is the perfect breeding ground for dustmites and it's actually their dander (excrement) that I'm allergic to. I planned to have wooden floors when I finally got my own place, but of course I can't afford wood. Plus, if I am to rent my house out in the future, I would rather not spend too much money on the flooring in fear it gets scuffed, scratched and damaged from the tenants.

I got to the store and was shown to the 'Builders Choice' range - there were about eight different patterns/styles to choose from. There are other ranges but of course the cost goes up. And it means more options. I already had a tough time making a decision with just the eight styles.

I must say, I heard that vinyl has come a long way from the days of just being plain and boring vinyl, and it sure has. You can get vinyl that imitates the look and texture of tiles, slate and wood.

I think I've decided to go with this one.


I'm uncertain about choosing the flooring. I'm worried that if I make the wrong decision, it's going to throw off the whole look of the house. It's not like it's a wall that can be painted over. It's the flooring for the whole house. I'm a bit worried about choosing a darker colour because I don't want the house to appear too dark. But the storeperson reckons that in a large space the colour will appear lighter. I like the look of the darker browns. I think it looks more natural and will add a touch of class to the house.

After about half an hour of flicking through the same samples, I decided it was best to just take some photos (I hope I managed to catch the colours as closely as I could) and deliberate further.

Next stop was ABC Blinds further down the road. The lady there was friendly and showed me to the 'Builders Choice' range of blinds. I'm going to just get simple vertical blinds.

I'm opting for a very neutral 'Dove'.

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